Some of us see work as boring. Some just have to do it for money regardless of not being able to enjoy it. Fortunately enough, many of us are now more aware of getting a job that aligns with our passion. We at Hubton love our jobs and always attempt to find a way to make them more effective and enjoyable. Here’s what we find best to do it so far: Scrum Board.
In the workplace, the working environment is the main contributor to the joy factor at work. Among its elements, the boss can be one of the greatest burdens that hinder joy. However, the opposite is true when your boss doesn’t just tell you to do this and that. It’s so much better when they can go around and be your friend–obviously! Or better yet, there’s no boss at all, just friend, how fun does that sounds? and yes, there is no boss in Scrum.
Before we get into details, let’s discuss a bit about what it is. Scrum is an agile framework for managing knowledge work. First introduced by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka, Scrum is intended to be used by a group of people working together on a project. The group members break down their work in specific timeframes. Although the work is commonly broken down into two to four weeks timeframe called “Sprint”, the framework allows the member to track progress in shorter timeframes. These shorter timeframes are called daily scrums and usually consist of a 15-minute stand-up meeting. The most interesting part about Scrum is its flexibility to adjustment while boosting productivity and target achievements.
In team members, we believe
In Scrum, there’s a Scrum Master and Product Owner. Even though it sounds like one, we don’t call them the boss because it’s totally a different thing. Their job is to manage the team so to make the workflow go well. They are also essential in ensuring agile teamwork to take place. It’s important to maintain a good relationship between team members. The reason for this is because when using Scrum, you can share the challenges you face. As a result, a supportive culture will greatly benefit this by making it easy for the team members to provide insight–or better yet, solutions.
Detailed view of Scrum Board at Hubton Indonesia’s office
We at Hubton see Scrum as a mean of transport towards collective success. It allows us to be in tune with the saying sharing is caring. As a bonus, working becomes more fun-filled and overall positive-vibe rich.
Happy working!
(Hubton Indonesia).