A set of rule-of-thumb by Hubton, so you can create even more awesome masterpieces while enjoying the web creation process.
In web creation, web designers and developers are two of the main team players. While both parties work collaboratively through the whole process, the designers usually take the first run. In a relay that is building a website, it can be challenging sometimes for designers to hand over the “baton” to your web developer.
After years of trials and errors, we collected a list of best practices of collaboration for web designers and developers alike. The aim is to figure out how best both of the team players can chip in the game to play fair and achieve victory together.
Have a Well-Agreed System to Bridge Your Work
When handing over a designer’s work to web developers, it is ideal to have a system in place. Both designers and developers need to have the same understanding of the implementation of graphic assets on websites. At Hubton, we usually use a style guide that has been agreed upon by all team members. We also use common systems like the responsive grid system, color palette, and font ratios.
The most important thing is to use and personalize a battle-tested system with the goal to create effortless exchanges within your work Once you figure out the best way to go for your team, make sure everyone understands the system and is comfortable with the workflow. Don’t let trials and errors go to waste by using them as refining points for the next projects.
Get to Know the Basics of Web Development
Just like how an architect understands the basics/principles of building a house, designers also need to understand the basics of web development. This way, you will know what can and cannot be developed in codes.
One example of knowing the basics of web development is to imitate the developer’s tendency to break things down into the smallest element possible. For instance, when working on a Card component on a website, web developers usually break this down into Image, Title, Date, Description, etc
When having the same idea in mind, working on this component will be way smoother because the designer will have all the elements ready and reusable. Our developers reassure that this is not something to be afraid of. Taking a course on basic HTML and CSS development will a long way in your design. After all, learning something new is always a good idea, right?
Keep in Mind That Web Developers Are Users Too
Initially, you will approach design work with users in mind. However, keep in mind that digital products are not only used by end-users but also other people involved in the web creation process, including your lovely partner-in-crime; web developers.
This is closely related to your basic understanding of web development. In Design Thinking, empathy plays a great role to provide solutions to existing problems. If you are able to better understand how it is to develop a website by knowing the basics, the practice of empathy in the web design process will benefit the web creation process greatly.
Train Your Flexibility Muscle
Designers are creative professionals. So, when a certain visual is not workable in development, you are expected to be ready with options and work your way around your creativity. The skill to maintain high standards even when not working with your first concept is priceless.
Following requirements and systems while also exploring your creativity is a wonderful tool to train your flexibility muscle and flourish as a person.
Cultivate Effective Communication

You must be familiar with the saying “communication is key”. This is a great principle to hold on in all aspects of life. As for your web creation projects, this translates into more technical steps.
Instead of holding too many meetings with your developers in a day, try:
- Making sure every core information is always communicated
- Making sure if anything is lost in translation, ask questions and confirmations
- Use non-technical terms when possible
As we currently move into a more remote working system, our designers and developers are finding new ways to better communicate with each other. But, ultimately, the above principles are key to navigate in any circumstances.
Digital product is always changing, growing, and updating.
Your multidisciplinary communication skill will be tested. Ensuring smooth exchanges and transitions is key to successful product improvements and growth.
What actions always help your collaboration with developers? Maybe a talk over coffee or having a shared music playlist? Let us know in the comments below!